As it stands, families that receive Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) assistance have income from support programs such as Employment Insurance (EI) deducted dollar for dollar from their ODSP income, while earned income is deducted at a rate of 50 cents on the dollar. With our new reality, the math doesn’t add up for families trying to make ends meet.
For example, Isabelle has cancer and receives ODSP, Francis has MS and receives ODSP but can work part-time. Before the pandemic their total income after deductions is $2,900 a month.
But if Francis loses their part time job, with CERB being deducted at a higher rate, their income is reduced to just $2,000 a month.
That’s not right.
Families that receive ODSP income and have also lost employment in their household shouldn’t be at risk of losing more money if they apply for assistance. But without changes to our ODSP program, that may soon be the case. These are extraordinary times and we must act quickly and clearly to ensure no one slips through the cracks.
Add your name to demand the government amend ODSP deductions to work within this pandemic.
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