August 16th, 2021

When it comes to protecting kids from COVID-19, half-measures aren’t enough: NDP

QUEEN’S PARK – NDP Leader Andrea Horwath says Doug Ford has to get serious about protecting students in classrooms. She’s calling for a back-to-school plan that includes classroom by classroom air quality inspections, mandatory vaccinations – and other measures to keep children safe.

“We should be taking every possible measure to protect kids in the fourth wave,” said Horwath. “Instead Doug Ford has cut corners, delayed his plans for months and left school boards scrambling. When it comes to protecting students, half-measures aren’t good enough.”

Despite promises from the Ford government, the Toronto Star reports that 18 school boards said ventilation upgrades funded by the federal government would not be complete by September. The NDP has called for air quality tests in each Ontario classroom with results online for parents and school staff to see.

Doug Ford is cutting $800 million from Ontario schools this year. His school reopening plan does not include reduced class sizes, mental health supports for students, or paid sick days and family care days for staff and parents — all things Horwath is calling for.