November 25th, 2024

Ontario NDP calls for Intimate Partner Violence to be declared an epidemic

QUEEN’S PARK – NDP MPPs Lisa Gretzky, Kristyn Wong-Tam, Jill Andrew, and Peggy Sattler, co-sponsors of the NDP’s Bill 173, released the following statement on behalf of the Ontario NDP caucus to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and call for intimate partner violence (IPV) to be declared an epidemic:

“Our call has always been crystal clear – we need to declare intimate partner violence an epidemic in Ontario, and we need to do it immediately. Every moment that we delay, more people are put at risk, and fewer resources are being allocated to help survivors escape or recover from violence.

Survivors, advocates, and frontline workers have made it clear. Experts have raised their voices. Nearly 100 municipalities have made the declaration. Other provinces are charging ahead to take action while we’re falling behind

It’s long past time for this government to join us in doing the right thing. On this International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, let’s make this declaration. Ontarians are counting on us.”


  • Bill 173 was tabled on March 7, 2024, and on April 10, hundreds of advocates and survivors of intimate partner violence joined the Ontario NDP at Queen’s Park to support the bill
  • With so much momentum, Ford was forced to reverse course, support the bill and pass it to second reading
  • The bill has since been stalled. On the very first day of the Fall session, the Ontario NDP called for this declaration to be passed by a simple motion. The government voted it down