June 28th, 2021
June 28th, 2021
PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY — New Democrats in the Bay of Quinte will acclaim school board trustee Alison Kelly as their Ontario NDP candidate for the 2022 provincial election at a nomination meeting Monday evening.
A long-time New Democrat, Kelly proudly decided to run for the NDP after feeling disappointment at the Liberals choosing Steven Del Duca as their leader, who was in the Kathleen Wynne cabinet during the previous government’s big cuts and bad choices.
Kelly attended the Liberal leadership convention as a delegate, hoping the party was ready to change its ways. But, she was let down. Kelly knew then that her home was with Ontario’s New Democrats — the only party offering people hope, and a way forward.
NDP Deputy Leader John Vanthof
“I’m glad to welcome Alison to the NDP family with open arms. It’s equally exciting for New Democrats, and for local families, to have a strong and experienced community advocate like Alison on the ballot in Bay of Quinte. Alison is far from the first person to be let down by Ontario’s Liberals. But Ontarians don’t have to choose between going back to Liberal cuts and privatization and sticking with Doug Ford’s cuts and privatization. Ontario’s New Democrats are proposing a positive vision for the province that includes getting the profits out of long-term care, investing in homes people can afford, and taking bold action to tackle the climate crisis.”
Alison Kelly, NDP candidate for Bay of Quinte
“People in the Bay of Quinte deserve so much better than we’ve all been getting. Kids in school deserve more help and support instead of teacher and education worker layoffs. We need to treat health care and mental health like people’s lives depend on it. Families and local businesses need access to affordable, reliable Internet. New Democrats will give people hope for the kind of future they deserve in Bay of Quinte and across Ontario — one with more opportunity, more affordability, and more hope.
By choosing Steven Del Duca as their leader, the Liberals have shown that they have no interest in doing anything differently than they did for 15 years in government. I could not be more proud to join Andrea’s team as we prepare to give working people the kind of government they deserve in 2022.”
A project manager by profession, Kelly is School Board Trustee for Hastings and Prince Edward District, South Prince Edward
Kelly has successfully advocated for anti-racism policy, free menstrual products and Black History Month, Indigenous History Month and Pride Month celebrations at local schools
Kelly sits on the Accessibility Advisory Committee with The Corporation of Prince Edward and volunteers as a DJ and on-air host at a local radio station
Kelly spent part of her youth in Belleville and is now raising her family in Prince Edward County