WHEREAS the arts and culture sector contributes over $26 billion to Ontario’s GDP and creates roughly 300,000 jobs; and
WHEREAS the Ontario Arts Council budget, Ontario Creates, Experience Ontario, Community Museum Operating Grant (CMOG), public libraries, and more have not seen funding increases to account for inflation; and
WHEREAS the sector is essential to Ontario's quality of life, cultural identity, social and community well-being, and economic prosperity; and
WHEREAS the sector is on the brink of collapse – too many community arts organizations, theatres, and beloved local festivals have been forced to close; and
WHEREAS this has exacerbated income precarity for artists, festival organizers, and cultural workers, some of whom are earning less than $25k/year, and still less for those from equity-deserving groups; and
WHEREAS the arts sector projects it will take at least five years to recover from pandemic-related losses.
We the undersigned, petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows:
To pass Motion 149 to immediately adopt the recommendations of the arts, culture, and heritage sector by permanently increasing, indexed to inflation, the annual operating budgets of the Ontario Arts Council, Experience Ontario, Community Museum Operating Grant, Ontario Creates, Ontario's public library funding, reviewing the Status of Ontario's Artists Act, 2007 and ensuring real affordable housing and workspaces.
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