Adjust the Ontario Health Premium for Seniors

Low-income seniors should not have to pay the Ontario Health Premium.

Liberal and Conservative governments have failed to increase the threshold for paying the Ontario Health Premium from $20,000 since it was introduced in 2004.

As the combined rate of Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement is now over $20,000, every single senior who’s sole income is OAS and GIS is being forced to pay this tax every year. These seniors, like everyone living on low incomes in Ontario, are struggling with the incredibly high costs of housing and groceries. They shouldn’t have to face the additional burden of this tax, especially when high income earners have never been asked to pay more for the past 20 years.

We are calling on the Minister of Finance to raise the threshold for paying the Ontario Health Premium to $30,854 – the level it would be at if it had kept pace with inflation since 2004, and implement policies to make it easier for seniors to pay for groceries and housing.

Add your name and take action now.

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