Our Plan to Restore Ontario’s Promise
Ontario should be a province full of opportunity.
A place where you can find a home, easily access the health care you need, and where kids are supported from day one to have the best shot in life.
Where you can find a good job and the cost of the basics doesn’t take up your whole pay cheque.
A place where you’re excited, not worried, for the future.
That's the Ontario that first brought me here some 30 years ago after growing up in Newfoundland, and it’s why I stayed – to raise my daughters and build a good life for my family.
But today, life in Ontario feels harder than ever. Housing costs are out of control, it’s harder to find a doctor, and things keep getting more expensive.
7 years of Doug Ford has cost you.
In every region, we see the impact of a government that has lost track of the things that matter most.
We can change that with new leadership, and new ideas for our province.
I’ll lead a government with integrity that will get to work straight away, hiring more doctors, fixing schools, building homes and defending Ontario jobs.
Instead of pouring money down the drain on bad deals and costly scandals, we will invest in your community, build up Ontario, and get to work on restoring the promise of a good life for people here.
Here are my commitments to you:
Download the PDF (EN) Download the PDF (FR)Marit Stiles,
Ontario NDP

Fighting Against Rising Costs
After seven years of Doug Ford’s Conservatives, life is more expensive than ever – from the basics like groceries to the cost of housing. His bad deals and wasteful schemes have cost us all. We will take immediate action to fight rising costs.
Monthly Grocery Rebate
Real Rent Control
Universal School Food Program
We will deliver $10/day child care
Affordable, Reliable, and Convenient Commutes
Reliable, Frequent, Affordable, and Accessible Transit
Monthly Caregiver Benefit
No More Hospital Parking Fees
Easier Unionizing and Bigger Pay Cheques
Double ODSP & OW Rates and Boost Housing Support
Affordable, Reliable Energy for a Net-Zero Future
Free & Discounted Electric Heat Pumps
Stronger SaveONEnergy Affordability Program
Helping Drivers Switch to EVs & Save
Lower Energy Costs for Rural & Northern Households
Save the Ontario Science Centre. Stop the Ontario Place Giveaway
Public Health Care that’s there when you need it
Ontario’s public health care system has been broken by consecutive Liberal and Conservative governments who have opened the door for corporations to make a profit off of vulnerable people. New Democrats brought publicly funded, publicly delivered health care to Canada and Marit Stiles and the Ontario NDP will strengthen and protect it.
Family Health Guarantee: A Doctor for Every Ontarian
Northern Command Centre to Fix the Health Crisis
More Nurses. Safer Care. Better Ratios.
Fair Pay for Healthcare Workers
Expand Public Hospitals. Stop Healthcare Privatization.
Priority Hospital Projects
Faster Care with a Centralized Referral System
Universal Mental Health Care & More Community Funding
End the 28,000-Child Mental Health Waitlist
Collaborating for Better Healthcare
Expand OHIP
Stop Home Care & Long-Term Care Privatization
Reverse Bill 7
Clean Up Mercury in the English-Wabigoon River
Building homes you can afford
Housing is a human right. Everybody deserves a decent home they can afford, in the community they want to live in. But Doug Ford’s failure to get homes built and keep rents down have made it nearly impossible for Ontarians to buy or rent a decent home they can afford. Housing starts are down, and homelessness up. Something has to change and fast.
Launching Homes Ontario
60,000 New Supportive Housing Units
Protecting Renters
Easier, Cheaper Home Building
Helping Municipalities Tackle Housing Needs
Future—Proofed Homes
Faster Broadband Expansion for Northern Ontario
End Unfair Costs for Municipal Taxpayers
Protecting the Greenbelt
Fixing schools and setting kids up for success
Schools are at the heart of our communities, but decades of cuts and freezes have left our schools overcrowded, understaffed, and crumbling. Every child, regardless of their income status, deserves a high-quality public education in safe schools that support their needs.
New Funding Formula
$830 Million to Fix Schools
Hire More Staff
Universal School Food Program
Fixing Student Transportation Funding
Protecting the Right to Francophone Education
Reducing Child Care Fees
Supporting Every Learner
Stronger Public Colleges & Universities. 20% More Funding.
Reverse OSAP Cuts
Standalone Francophone Institution at Sudbury U
Defending Ontario Jobs
In the face of American tariffs, people are worried about what the future holds, if they’ll lose their job or if things will become even more expensive than they already are. As we face this serious economic challenge to our country and province, Doug Ford quit his job and plunged us into an election.
Marit Stiles will be a premier who’s on our side in this fight. She will defend Ontario jobs, fight back as part of a strong Team Canada, and get to work building a more tariff-proof Ontario that can withstand future threats to our economy.
Defend Ontario jobs, businesses and economy
Immediate Start To Housing and Infrastructure
Buy Canadian and Build Canadian
Federal x Provincial Income Assistance Plan
On Team Canada
Strengthen and Diversify Ontario's Trade Relationships
Fight Tariff Inflation. Fight Rising Costs.
Launching the Premier’s Council on the Economy
Doubling Ontario Made Manufacturing Tax Credit
Launching Ontario's Tariff Fund
Restart Ontario's Business Costs Rebate Program
Eliminate the Risk Management Program cap
Support Ontario small businesses
Respecting Workers and Growing the Workforce
Strong Ontario mining sector
Double Ontario’s Career Ready Program
Support Pathways Into The Skilled Trades
A Childcare Workforce Strategy
Ontario’s first Youth Climate Corps
Promote Ontario’s Creative Industries and Artists
A government on your side
Marit Stiles and the Ontario NDP will restore transparency, accountability, and integrity in government after decades of self-serving governments that put private interests ahead of the public good. The Liberals sold off Hydro one, leaving Ontarians with sky-rocketing energy costs. From Doug Ford’s corrupt Greenbelt land grab to the Ontario Place giveaway, his government has repeatedly put well-connected insiders ahead of everyday people. Ontarians deserve better.
The Ontario NDP will strengthen lobbying rules and the Members Integrity Act, ensuring decisions are made in the public’s best interest—not for profit-driven political friends.
Respect for First Nations
Electoral Reform
Stronger, Safer Communities
End Court System Delays
Safer Northern highways
Regional Priorities
Building an Economy that's On Your Side
We believe that public funds should be put to use for the public good, and that government spending should reflect the real priorities of Ontarians. That means scrapping wasteful projects like fantasy tunnels and luxury mega-spas and ending the sweetheart deals for corporate insiders and wealthy donors. Instead, we’ll invest that money in health care, schools, better roads and more homes.
Budgeting is about priorities. Investing in strong public services is not just the best thing to do—it’s also the fiscally responsible choice.