June 4th, 2021

Statement from Suze Morrison, MPP for Toronto Centre, to rename Ryerson University and remove the statue of Egerton Ryerson

TORONTO — Suze Morrison, MPP for Toronto Centre, released the following statement:

“Indigenous community members at Ryerson University and across Canada are grieving the 215 children who never returned home from a residential school in Kamloops.

The University’s namesake, Egerton Ryerson, was instrumental to the establishment of what became the Residential School System. An act of genocide that has had a devastating impact on First Nations, Métis and Inuit people across Canada.

The forced removal of Indigenous children and abuse endured at these institutions as part of the Indian Residential School policies are a crime against humanity. Indigenous communities continue to experience the intergenerational trauma of residential schools today.

It is vital that all Canadians not only confront Canada’s dark past, but also demand justice and change from our governments and institutions.

Forcing Indigenous students and educators to confront an institution and symbols that celebrate Egerton Ryerson is simply cruel. The University administration must acknowledge that the memorialization of its namesake on campus harms Indigenous people at the university, in our city and across the country.

I am calling on the University to listen to the calls from Indigenous students, faculty, and community members, including the Yellowhead Institute and X University signatories, to rename the University and remove the statue of Egerton Ryerson from campus. I hope that the University administration will take action to recognize and respond to the concerns being raised by Indigenous communities.

These actions are crucial first steps in the path towards reconciliation.”

**Letter from Morrison to university president attached.