May 17th, 2016
May 17th, 2016
Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath issued the following statement regarding electoral finance reform:
'We've been clear that it's time to get the influence of big money out of government and politics in Ontario.
However, we are disappointed that the Liberals have chosen to make something as important as changing the rules of our democracy a partisan issue rather than allowing it to move forward with a fast-moving, non-partisan panel led by an independent party like the Chief Electoral Officer with substantive input from the public, academia, labour, business and all major political parties.
The Liberals’ legislation has set no limits on advertising by the government even as they restrict public participation by limiting non-partisan advertising during a campaign period and the six months preceding the campaign.
And they leave the door wide open for more of the kinds of 'pay to play' special access fundraisers and allegations that forced the government to reform political financing in the first place – though only after having first filled their own campaign war chest.
Once again, they have written legislation first and are consulting second.
While we will not delay or disrupt the process of starting the Liberals’ committee – it should start as soon as possible – we will not rubber stamp an anti-democratic, flawed process. We believe the process must be voted on so that members can have their objections recorded.
We maintain that campaign finance reform should be guided by a non-partisan process with the consent of Ontarians.”