January 18th, 2019

Grand River hospital already crowded, understaffed, as cuts come to Kitchener Waterloo

Kitchener Centre NDP MPP Laura Mae Lindo said that decades of Liberal hospital cuts, and even deeper cuts being threatened by Doug Ford, are the cause of Grand River Hospital being forced to fire 50 front-line health care staff — and that the cut comes as families are already facing long waits and overcrowded hospitals.

“When I think of the damage the Wynne Liberals and Ford Conservatives are doing with their health care cuts, I think of Richard Douglas and his mom Linda, who lives with Parkinsons,” said Lindo. "Linda is 85, and on New Year's day she was rushed to Grand River by ambulance. Richard rushed to be by her side, but despite being rushed in by ambulance, he found that she sat for three hours, alone, in the emergency department, waiting because the hospital didn’t have a bed, and had too few staff to even explain to the confused senior what was happening.

“Richard was told by a nurse that the hospital was struggling with 'limited resources,' and he describes one long wait after another, with Linda frequently left alone, uncomfortable and confused. Richard's mom deserved so much better. We all do.”

The Grand River Hospital has confirmed that about 50 front-line jobs will be eliminated as it grapples with a $7.4-million deficit. Hospitals budgets were frozen from 2012 to 2015 by the Liberals. Doug Ford has signalled deeper cuts, and even reduced the annual funding that helps hospitals deal with flu season surges.

“We need a government willing to prioritize health care, and invest in front-line care instead of cutting,” said Lindo.