August 25th, 2023

Gates: Marineland needs a new path forward – without animals

NIAGARA FALLS - MPP Wayne Gates (Niagara Falls) released the following statement in response to disturbing reports of animal mistreatment and death at Marineland:

“The new reports about animal deaths and mistreatment at Marineland are highly disturbing. Unfortunately, the Solicitor General’s response seems to indicate that this government is either unwilling or incapable of regulating or holding Marineland to account.

We need to look at all options for a new path forward for Marineland – one that stops putting animals in harm’s way. Marineland should be restructured without animals, and the existing animals at Marineland should be moved to appropriate and safe sanctuaries. A move in that direction would be a positive step in the right direction for the vibrant tourism industry of Niagara Falls, and the countless people who benefit from it – visitors, locals, and workers alike.”