March 31st, 2022

Ford failed francophone students at Laurentian: NDP

QUEEN’S PARK – Official Opposition Francophone Affairs Critic Guy Bourguoin and NDP MPPs Jamie West and France Gélinas issued the following joint statement in response to the French Language Commissioner’s report:

“New Democrats welcome the French language commissioner’s report and urge Doug Ford to immediately accept her recommendations. We are deeply disappointed by the Premier’s failure to protect the constitutional rights of francophone students at Laurentian to pursue their studies in French. It’s clear that Doug Ford doesn’t care about francophones in Ontario. He doesn’t value historic francophone communities in Sudbury and across the North. Ontario has a duty to proactively promote the French Language Services Act. Instead Doug Ford and his ministers prefer to sit back and pretend the law doesn’t exist. We have no confidence that the PC government will respect the French Language Services Act. Doug Ford broke it. New Democrats will fix it.”