October 16th, 2023

Conservatives’ censure an attempt to distract

QUEEN’S PARK – Marit Stiles, the Leader of Official Opposition NDP, released the following statement after Ford’s Conservatives tabled a motion to censure MPP Sarah Jama:

“MPP Jama’s comments caused harm, and she apologized for that. She amended her statement and affirmed agreement with our party’s position on this issue.

Removing an elected MPP’s ability to speak in the Legislature is a drastic step that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Mr. Ford is desperate to move the discussion away from the fact that he and his government are under a criminal investigation by the RCMP, and we urge him not to use this horrific conflict for his own political gain.

Now is a time to come together to advocate for peace and an end to this bloodshed that has already taken too many lives in Israel and Palestine.”