December 18th, 2020

Another tragic workplace death serves to highlight the need for more health and safety inspectors

HAMILTON – Paul Miller, MPP for Hamilton East—Stoney Creek, has responded to the news of the recent fatality at Taylor Steel and is urging the province to do more to ensure worker safety, especially during the pandemic:

“My sincerest condolences to the family and friends now dealing with their grief, especially so close to the holidays. No worker should leave their home not knowing if they are going to come home and no family should ever have the deal with the terrible consequences of a workplace incident gone wrong.

The government claims to have hired more inspectors to deal with the additional occupational health and safety concerns brought on by COVID-19. I find it hard to believe that an organization that was having a tough time keeping things safe prior to the pandemic is currently able to keep up with the day-to-day dangers that continue pose serious, life altering, risks to the workers of this province.

As someone with an industrial background, specifically in steel, I know what must be going through the minds of the family, friends and colleagues who are now coming to grips with this terrible tragedy. I have seen my fair share of injuries and fatalities, many, if not most, could have been prevented if proper health and safety protocols were followed.

While I do not know the details of this particular workplace fatality it still serves to reinforce my belief that Ontario does not have enough health and safety inspectors to get the job done right. Health and safety committees in every workplace are crucial to establish and maintain a safe work environment for all workers. I will be paying close attention to the impending investigation by the Ministry of Labour and hope that it is thorough and transparent.”