November 18th, 2014

Ontario New Democrats leading charge for $15 per day childcare in Ontario

Today, Ontario New Democrats were able to pass a motion calling on Ontario to support a universal planfor $15 per day childcare. The leadership of Ontario New Democrats has ensured that Ontario officially endorsesthe $15 a day child care plan put forward by Tom Mulcair and the federal NDP.


“I’m proud that Ontario is sending a clear message of support for $15 a day childcare here in Ontario. As a mom, I know what that means,” said Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath. “Universal affordable childcare will help families, and help our economy grow. It’s good for parents and it’s good for children, plain and simple.”

Horwath noted that the federal Liberals have repeatedly broken promises to create a universal childcare system, and Horwath’s motion links to commitments made by the Federal NDP to create universal $15 per day childcare across the country.

“Families in Ontario pay an average of $1,152 per month for one childcare space, while families in Quebec pay an average of $152 per month. Ontario needs to do better,” said Horwath “The fact is that every child, regardless of where they live or how much their family makes, deserves access to high-quality and affordable childcare.”

In the last election, New Democrats were the only party to promise an increase in childcare funding every year linked to inflation, on top of immediate increased investment.